The Course
Course Outline
Course overview, Introduction to Indentation, Basic Indentation Theory
Basic Experimental
Selection of Test Parameters, Conception of Basic Experiments, Data Interpretation (Basic), Practical experimentation of Creep and Fatigue Properties
Advanced Experimental
Unusual Behaviours (Cracking, Phase Transformations, etc.), Potential Pitfalls, Strategies for different materials (thin films, time dependent materials, etc.), Data Interpretation (Advanced)
Research Methods
Mapping of properties across surfaces, Testing in liquids, High Temperature Testing, Evaluating properties of Micro Electro Mechanical Devices (MEMS) such as accelerometers, beams, microswitches, etc.
Applications of Instrumented Indentation
Specific strategies for testing metals, polymers and ceramics, Measurement of soft materials, Advanced experiments on multiphase materials (metals and composites)
Comparison of Techniques
Differences between methodologies (e.g., Vickers vs. Martens hardness), Variations in analysis of the load-depth curve, Alternative ways of calculating properties (e.g., work of indentation)
Overview of Industrial Standards
Practical ways to implement ISO 14577 in the research lab as well as on the production floor
Testing of Coatings
Introduction to testing of coatings, Advanced testing of coatings, Practical experiments on different coating-substrate combinations, Data interpretation